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传感器和触觉反馈技术 - IDTechEx Reports and Subscriptions

2024-2034年激光雷达:技术、参与者、市场 & 预测 




车内传感 2024-2034:技术、机遇和市场 

本报告提供了车内传感器的全面技术分析,包括针对车内监控(DMS 和 OMS)而设计的近红外/红外摄像头、飞行时间摄像头、雷达、电容转向传感器和扭矩转向传感器。包含对包括中国、欧洲、美国、日本和世界其他地区在内的各个地区 10 年销量(以百万美元计)、收益(以百万/十亿美元计)和传感器单价(以美元计)的预测。该文件探讨了高性能技术的最新进展、成功的商业应用,以及涉及一级和二级参与者的重要收购和合作伙伴关系。此外,该报告还概述了未来车内传感器的新兴趋势。

汽车雷达 2024-2044:预测、技术、应用 

汽车雷达市场在整个汽车市场中颇具规模。但随着先进驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 功能的持续普及,它仍有增长的空间。追求更高水平的自动驾驶也需要更高的雷达性能,需要更长的范围和更高的分辨率。因此,4D 成像雷达现已进入市场。使用本报告可了解雷达技术的最新发展,识别市场中的机会,并通过 IDTechEx 的 20 年预测了解雷达技术如何成长和发展。

环境气体传感器市场 2024-2034:技术、趋势、预测、参与者 

自 2008 年起,IDTechEx 就一直广泛报道传感器技术这一主题。多年来,我们采访了气体传感器市场的众多主要参与者,参加了多次会议,并针对这一主题启动了多个咨询项目和研讨会。这份专门的环境气体传感器报告详细评估了十项技术的性能,比较了它们的基本特性,以及对五个应用领域的兼容性。报告包含对智能建筑、智能城市和智能家居的机会分析。另外还包含 30 多家公司的简介,内容来自对专业从事各种技术的主要制造商和初创企业的采访。

新兴图像传感器技术 2024-2034:应用和市场 

新兴图像传感器技术的市场包括混合图像传感器、基于事件的视觉、大范围溶液加工光电探测器、柔性 X 光探测器、高光谱成像和扩展范围硅探测器,它们既能降低成本,又能在新应用中得到采用。此报告概述了新兴图像传感器格局,提供了广泛的技术和商业评估以及市场预测。包括 40 多条预测线和 25 份公司概况。

量子传感器市场 2024 - 2044 

此报告讲述了量子传感器市场、技术和参与者的特征。涵盖 17 个量子传感技术领域,主要应用于电动汽车、导航、医疗成像和量子计算,并提供 2024 年至 2044 年的市场预测。它揭示了巨大的机遇,预计到 2044 年,量子传感器市场规模预计将达到 71 亿美元的峰值。

机器人传感器 2023-2043:技术、市场和预测 

机器人作为一种具有自主性的机器,需要一套传感器。本报告全面概述了机器人的先进传感技术和新兴趋势。报告提供了不同传感器的年度销量和市场规模粒度预测,细分为 29 种不同机器人/应用和传感器类型,详细阐明了哪些传感器和机器人应用在未来 20 年增长最快。

可穿戴传感器 2023-2033 

Wearable sensors are fundamental to continuous monitoring of health, fitness, and wellness. As applications for wearable technology grow, there are increasing opportunities for sensors that detect parameters ranging from glucose levels to pressure and from motion to temperature. Based on a decade of market research on wearable technology hardware, this report analyses the technological and commercial landscape of this growing industry, both today and into the future.

触觉 2023-2033:技术、市场和参与者 

This report covers haptics from several different angles. It thoroughly introduces dominating haptic technologies such as ERMs and LRAs, and various emerging haptic options for the market. The prominent use cases like core device haptics, button haptics, surface haptics and more are also included. In addition, this report gives a granular market analysis with 75 profiled examples and forecasts by sectors, covering haptics in smartphones, wearables, gaming, VR, and automotive.

先进驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 的热管理 2023-2033 

The automotive market is rapidly adopting autonomous features to aid in safety and driving convenience. This requires a suite of sensors (cameras, radars, and LiDARs) and computing platforms. These components are evolving and present thermal management challenges, leading to opportunities for thermal interface materials, die attach, radar radome materials, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. This report provides a market analysis for thermal materials in ADAS with trends, players, and granular market forecasts.

传感器 2021-2041 

The sensor business is massively impacted by COVID-19, mobility reinvented, diabetes etc. Only in this report can you see the whole picture as it becomes around $250 billion in 2041.

皮肤传感器 2020-2030:技术、市场、参与者、预测 

This report covers the techniques and technologies used to quantitatively measure and analyze skin parameters for the cosmetics industry. Recent developments in electronics and changes in consumer behaviour are accelerating broader uptake of skin sensors. The market for skin sensors in the cosmetics industry is forecast to reach $275 million by the year 2030, driven by skin care companies seeking solutions in e-commerce, smart retail, hyper personalized skin care and more.

量子通信市场 2024 - 2034:技术、趋势、参与者、预测 

本报告提供有关量子通信技术的重要市场情报。包括对新兴的量子计算到数据安全的概述,以及量子随机数生成器 (QRNG) 和量子密钥分发 (QKD) 提供的解决方案。还涵盖了全球的量子通信市场趋势,包括与后量子密码学 (PQC) 的比较。这项综合研究包含超过 25 家公司的概况,以及 2024-2034 年的市场预测。预计量子通信市场将大幅增长,年均复合增长率为 28%。

汽车显示器 2024-2034:技术、参与者、机遇 


柔性混合电子元件 2024 - 2034 

《柔性混合电子元件 2024 - 2034》评估该新兴制造方法的现状和前景,该方法旨在将印刷电子和传统电子的优势结合起来。柔性混合电子元件 (FHE) 通常被描述为“印刷你能做到的,安置你无法做到的”,它有数字增材电子制造的优势,而不会影响集成电路的处理能力。根据多年来对印刷电子行业的跟踪和 40 次访谈,本报告概述了生产 FHE 电路所需的材料、组件和制造方法的趋势和创新。

可穿戴技术预测 2023 - 2033 

此报告是 IDTechEx 过去十年来对可穿戴技术市场和技术研究的巅峰。它包含所有可穿戴设备领域的重大主题、产品趋势和驱动因素的精准概述和数据;以及各个领域的所有整理总结和市场数据,包括智能手表和健身追踪器、VR、AR 和 MR、耳戴式设备、智能服装和电子织物、电子皮肤贴片和许多其他产品类型。

RFID 预测、参与者和机遇 2023-2033 

20 多年来,IDTechEx 一直在研究 RFID,我们刚刚发布了最新版本的 RFID 市场研究报告“RFID 预测、参与者和机遇 2023-2033”。此报告以我们的专业知识为基础,涵盖最新的 RFID 发展趋势、关键参与者分析和市场展望。此报告公正审视 RFID 技术、公司、使用案例研究和市场,为读者提供针对整个 RFID 领域的独特见解,包括其现状和未来的可能性。

模内电子组件 2023-2033 

《模内电子组件 2023-2033》分析了与这种新兴制造方法相关的技术和市场机会。本报告参考了 20 多家公司的概况,其中大部分基于访谈,评估了与 IME 相关的(如功能性薄膜粘结)技术流程、材料要求、应用领域和竞争方法。报告包含技术和应用领域的 10 年市场预测,以收入和 IME 面板面积表示。对于最大的汽车内饰目标市场,这些人机界面 (HMI) 预测分为机械和四种不同类型的电容开关。

制造印刷电子产品 2023 - 2033 

“制造印刷电子产品 2023 - 2033”探讨印刷电子设备市场的发展、过渡和技术创新。我们根据与 30 多家公司的采访和互动,评估适用于印刷电子产品的 20 种模拟/数字印刷和组件连接技术的属性、准备度、使用实例和市场需求,包括传统丝网印刷,以及激光诱导前向转移和光子焊接。

6G 市场 2023-2043:技术、趋势、预测、参与者 

IDTechEx 多年来一直在研究通信技术,我们刚刚发布了最新版本的 6G 市场研究报告“6G 市场 2023-2043:技术、趋势、预测、参与者”。此报告以我们的专业知识为基础,涵盖最新的 6G 技术发展趋势、关键应用、参与者活动和市场展望。本报告的重点方面包括太赫兹技术趋势、太赫兹通信半导体、太赫兹相控阵天线模块、6G 无线电分析、低损耗材料、6G 封装趋势、可重构智能表面 (RIS)、超材料、非地面网络、集成传感和通信、6G 市场以及未来展望。

导电墨水市场 2023-2033 

该报告评估了 8 种不同导电墨水类型的市场,涵盖 15 种应用。报告基于对 30 多家公司的采访,概述了技术发展,并比较了片状银、纳米颗粒银、铜、可拉伸/热成型、无颗粒导电墨水等的性能。还评估了应用机遇及相关导电墨水需求,包括光伏、多种类型的打印传感器、混合和模内电子以及 RFID/智能包装。

超材料市场 2023-2043:光学和射频 

此报告探讨光学和射频超材料的 8 种不同应用,包括可重构智能表面、超构透镜和雷达波束成型。它基于与超过 15 家公司的互动,概述关键技术,明确他们的准备度,并评估多种竞争制造方法的适用性。按频率和应用细分的 33 条预测线阐明了超材料市场在未来 20 年将如何发展。

虚拟、增强和混合现实 2023-2033:技术、参与者和市场 

Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality devices promise to revolutionize the way we interact, acting as key gateways to the metaverse. This report builds a picture of these technologies today, quantitively examining development trends to date and outlining both future directions and technical challenges. The changing role of computing and connectivity is discussed, with component technologies including optics, displays, sensing, and haptics analyzed.

DNA 测序 2023-2033:技术、市场和预测 

This report covers the DNA sequencing industry, discussing the key technologies and markets involved. The report covers Sanger, Next-Generation (NGS), and nanopore sequencing, benchmarking these against each other on key metrics required by leading applications. The report includes in-depth analyses of DNA sequencing applications ranging from population genomics and companion diagnostics to forensics, identifying the requirements for each. Barriers of entry to the market and relevant challenges are analysed.

协作机器人 2023-2043:技术、参与者和市场 

Thanks to the low capital barrier and increasing human-machine collaboration, collaborative robots (cobots) are becoming increasingly popular. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of significant applications by end industries (automotive manufacturing, food and beverage, electronics, and healthcare and hospitality), and tasks (picking and placing, palletizing, packaging, and others). The report covers critical technologies, market analysis, and 20-year granular market forecasts by region, end industry, and tasks. The report provides an understanding of the market dynamics, competitive landscape, market outlook, and promising applications.

重型自动驾驶车辆 2023-2043:卡车、公共汽车和机器人穿梭车 

IDTechEx has found significant activity in the autonomous heavy-duty commercial vehicle space, with hundreds of vehicles in various stages of trialling globally, and some companies on the precipice of fully unmanned commercial deployment. Each industry has unique strengths and challenges, this report explains them and gives market forecasts accordingly.

垂直农业 2022-2032 

This report covers the vertical farming industry, including the technologies and markets involved. We discuss key technologies, including automation and lighting systems, and identify how these could lead to the success of the industry. In-depth analysis of the challenges faced, including quantified considerations on crop limitations and running costs, are considered. Strategies and business models of key companies, including analysis of crop selection and pricing models, are considered and discussed.

服务机器人 2022-2032:技术、参与者和市场 

Service robots are becoming increasingly popular. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the major application areas of service robots, including delivery and logistics robots, cleaning and disinfection robots, social robots, agricultural robots, kitchen and restaurant robots, and underwater robots. It covers key technologies, market analysis, and 10-year granular regional market forecasts. The report provides an understanding of the market dynamics, competitive landscape, market outlook, and promising applications.

糖尿病管理技术 2022-2032:市场、参与者和预测 

This report covers the entire landscape for diabetes management devices, including mature, emerging, and future options. We characterise and predict the technological landscape of the industry over the next decade. Strategies of major players in the industry are discussed and analysed. Developments of major milestones, such as the launch of closed-loop systems and non-invasive CGMs, are considered and discussed in our forecasts.

即时诊断生物传感器 2022-2032:技术、机遇、参与者和预测 

Point-of-care biosensors have been crucial in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused the market to more than double since 2019. In this report IDTechEx explores the drivers of the market's growth, key technologies enabling point-of-care testing, assesses emerging technologies bringing patient diagnosis ever closer to the point-of-care, and the opportunities and threats that these trends present.

3D 电子设备/增材电子设备 2022-2032 

This IDTechEx report assesses the competing technologies that will enable PCBs to be replaced with integrated electronics, saving space, weight and reducing manufacturing complexity. It covers electronic functionality to 3D surfaces, in-mold electronics (IME), and fully 3D printed electronics. Also included are market forecasts, company profiles, readiness level assessments, case studies, and identification of technological challenges/opportunities, thus providing a clear picture of the emerging 3D / additive electronics landscape.

汽车应用的印刷柔性电子组件 2021-2031:技术和市场 

Extensive opportunities for printed and flexible electronics are being created by the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles - these technologies include EV powertrains, interior sensors and displays, and even exterior heating and lighting. This report outlines the current status and opportunities for printed/flexible electronics across 11 application areas, along with 10-year market forecasts by revenue and volume, multiple case studies and assessments of commercial and technological readiness.

印刷/柔性电子材料 2021-2031:技术、应用、市场预测 

Printed/flexible electronics, already seen in foldable smart phones, are forecast to be widely adopted in applications ranging from medical devices to smart packaging and from e-textiles to consumer products. This technological transition provides extensive opportunities for innovative materials, including amongst others novel OLED emitters, particle-free conductive inks and conductive adhesives. This IDTechEx report includes market forecasts, detailed company profiles based on interviews, case studies, and technological roadmaps spanning the full range of materials. Our comprehensive overview and analysis should enable readers to understand and take advantage of the opportunities presented by this transition to printed/flexible electronics.

医学诊断人工智能 2020-2030:图像识别、参与者、临床应用、预测 

This report explores the field of image recognition artificial intelligence (AI) for disease detection by breaking down its five main clinical applications. It describes emerging technologies, highlights key players and analyses market landscape for each sector. Trends, opportunities, threats and challenges (both technical and commercial) are discussed at length, thereby providing detailed insights into the current and future market for this technology.

医疗保健柔性电子元件 2020-2030 

This report covers the latest applications of flexible electronics in healthcare, including electronic skin patches, electronic textiles, electrochemical test strips and smart blister packs. With increasing decentralization in the healthcare system enabled by the digital health movement, flexible electronics is well positioned to provide comfortable and long-term remote patient monitoring solutions. Flexible electronics enable new form factors and new products in health monitoring, a significant market worth over $8.3 billion in 2030.

高级伤口护理技术 2020-2030 

到 2030 年,高级伤口护理技术的市场规模预计将超过 220 亿美元,这主要是由于人口老龄化和糖尿病在世界范围内的日益普遍化造成的需求增长。随着世界各地医疗系统负担的增加,高级伤口护理产品将致力于改善伤口护理患者的治疗途径并提高治疗的成本效益。

可伸缩及适形电子器件 2019-2029 

此报告为您提供了解可伸缩电子器件所需的一切。它针对这个多元化的新兴行业提供最全面最独到的见解,探讨了现有和/或正在开发的各种不同的可伸缩材料/组件,引用了 60 多种集成可伸缩电子器件的产品类型,涵盖 100 多家公司和 25 个研究机构的进展(包括针对 62 家公司的第一手初步研究),另外,还提供了按 14 个以上的材料/组件领域细分的十年市场预测。



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