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材料信息快速推动创新应用市场的步伐,引领研发范式发生深刻变革。它不仅象征着材料行业的数字化转型,更是以人工智能为强大引擎,引领着材料的未来发展。在这一转型浪潮中,众多策略方法和成功案例如雨后春笋般涌现;错过这一转型则将付出高昂代价。 本报告旨在提供关于市场的深刻洞察并预测2034年的增长趋势。读者将详细了解参与者、商业模式、技术和应用领域等多维度信息。该报告还特别涵盖了30多家公司的精彩简介,为这个快速发展的行业提供了初步见解。



5G 和 6G 的低损耗材料 2024-2034:市场、趋势、预测 

随着全球 5G 设备的持续部署,其已成为价值数十亿美元的产业。5G 网络最具革命性的方面依赖于高频 5G 技术,该技术将在本十年后期腾飞。毫米波 5G 设备将使用低损耗材料,以减少 PCB 和封装层面的传输损耗。这将推动 5G 的低损耗材料市场,到 2034 年,该市场的规模将超过 21 亿美元。

PEM 燃料电池材料 2024-2034:技术、市场、参与者 

质子交换膜 (PEM) 燃料电池的材料需求将随着燃料电池电动汽车 (FCEV) 市场的扩大而增长,燃料电池船舶和火车的市场也将同步扩大。本 IDTechEx 报告包含 PEM 燃料电池组件的市场预测、基准研究、参与者分析、技术趋势和最新发展,包括双极板 (BPP)、气体扩散层 (GDL)、催化剂涂层膜 (CCM)、膜电极组件 (MEA)、离聚物和铂催化剂。


该报告全面讲述了纯素生物皮革市场的主要技术和趋势,包括菌丝皮革、植物皮革、微生物皮革和实验室皮革。报告探讨了 70 多家公司,分析了技术准备情况、制造流程、材料基准化、应用和挑战。10 年的市场预测突显了纯素生物皮革需求的增长。

汽车用铜 2024-2034:趋势、预测、技术 


绿色氢气生产材料 2024-2034:技术、参与者、预测 

绿色氢气设备的开发将会需要很多制造电解槽堆叠所需的材料和组件。这份 IDTechEx 报告讨论了 AWE、AEMEL、PEMEL 和 SOEC 堆叠中使用的关键组件的现有和未来材料以及制造方法。涵盖的组件和材料包括催化剂和电极、膜/电解质、多孔传输层 (PTL)、气体扩散层 (GDL)、膜电极组装 (MEA) 方法、双极板、垫片和堆叠组装组件。该报告还包含电解槽堆叠制造商和材料供应商的详尽清单,以及提供材料和开发新材料或制造方法的公司的案例研究。最后,还按组件和材料类型提出了 AWE、PEMEL 和 SOEC 堆叠的 10 年市场详细预测。

石墨烯市场和二维材料评估 2024-2034:技术、市场、参与者 

此报告对石墨烯和其他 2D 材料的技术和商业进展进行了详细的独立分析。涵盖 18 个应用领域,包括 2024 年至 2034 年的细分市场预测。IDTechEx 在石墨烯行业有超过十年的经验,预计到 2034 年石墨烯的市场价值将增长到 16 亿美元。

电子元件电磁干扰屏蔽 2024-2034: 预测、技术和应用 

IDTechEx 报告"电子元件电磁干扰屏蔽 2024-2034"探讨了保护敏感电子组件的竞争策略和材料。涵盖从板级到封装级屏蔽,以及从喷镀到喷涂/印刷的过渡。报告评估了参与者和机会,并预测了多个应用领域对 EMI 材料的需求。

白色生物技术 2024-2034 

本报告全面阐述了白色生物技术在材料和化工行业中的现状和增长潜力,广泛讨论了推动市场扩张的关键创新。报告还揭示了按照工业生物制造生产的 40 多种产品的技术准备情况、应用、挑战、商业活动和展望,并提供 10 年市场预测,重点讲述 10 条预测线的产能增长。

气凝胶 2024-2034:技术、市场和参与者 

这份综合报告评估气凝胶市场、技术、趋势和参与者,覆盖 21 个关键的商业和新兴应用领域,并按应用进行了 2023-2034 年的详细市场预测。报告讲述了气凝胶作为电动车电池防火材料的快速增长应用领域。

量子点材料和技术 2024-2034:趋势、市场、应用 

本报告针对各种应用的量子点提供全面的技术分析和市场审视。预测范围包括按产品、重量和市场价值划分的 11 种应用的全球市场。到 2034 年,全球量子点材料市场规模将达到 5.5 亿美元,量子点解决方案和量子点功能产品的市场机会甚至更大。

先进半导体封装材料和加工 2024-2034 

这份全面的报告凭借 IDTechEx 在该领域的丰富知识和经验,深度剖析了先进半导体封装中使用的材料和加工技术。它涵盖关键的技术趋势,包括 2.5D 封装工艺流程和用于 3D 封装的创新铜-铜混合键合技术。此外,报告还提供有机电介质先进半导体封装模块的 10 年市场预测,给出了单位和面积指标的预测。

碳纳米管 2023-2033:市场、技术和参与者 

此报告提供 2023-2033 年期间碳纳米管市场的明确评估。IDTechEx 对碳纳米领域关注已久,其技术分析师和访谈主导的策略针对该不断扩大的多元化行业,为读者提供了公正的展望、基准化研究以及参与者评估。

气体分离膜 2023-2033 

气体分离膜的商业使用早已有之;从 1980 年代到 2000 年代初,该行业经历大幅增长,成为一个规模适中的稳定市场。 随着市场驱动因素推动有天然气分离需求的应用(主要用于脱碳)加速发展,以及材料开发逐渐成熟,市场将进入一个新的增长阶段。 《气体分离膜 2023-2033》报告为这个不断发展的行业提供了关键技术路线图和市场前景。

电动车电池和电池组材料 2023-2033 

电动车行业对众多材料产生大量需求。此报告涵盖了对制造电池和电池组所需材料的需求。报告分析了电池化学、设计、能量密度和成本的趋势以及材料利用趋势,为包含汽车、货车、卡车、巴士、两轮车、三轮车和微型车的整个电动车市场提供了 27 项单独的材料预测。

热界面材料:技术、市场和预测 2023-2033 

此报告对电动车、数据中心、EMI 屏蔽、5G、ADAS 和消费类电子产品的热界面材料进行了深入的技术分析。还通过应用讲述了 10 年颗粒面积 (m2)、质量 (kg)、收益 (US$) 和 TIM 单价 (US$) 预测。此报告涵盖高性能 TIM 的最新发展、成功商业应用,以及过去的 TIM 参与者收购/合作。报告还明确了未来的 TIM 趋势。

导电墨水市场 2023-2033 

该报告评估了 8 种不同导电墨水类型的市场,涵盖 15 种应用。报告基于对 30 多家公司的采访,概述了技术发展,并比较了片状银、纳米颗粒银、铜、可拉伸/热成型、无颗粒导电墨水等的性能。还评估了应用机遇及相关导电墨水需求,包括光伏、多种类型的打印传感器、混合和模内电子以及 RFID/智能包装。

超材料市场 2023-2043:光学和射频 

此报告探讨光学和射频超材料的 8 种不同应用,包括可重构智能表面、超构透镜和雷达波束成型。它基于与超过 15 家公司的互动,概述关键技术,明确他们的准备度,并评估多种竞争制造方法的适用性。按频率和应用细分的 33 条预测线阐明了超材料市场在未来 20 年将如何发展。

导电胶粘剂 2022-2032:技术、市场和预测 

Electrically conductive adhesive (ECAs) are a competitor to solder. ECAs are set to become a key conductive joining technology across several industries, such as flexible electronics, in-mold electronics, and wearable technologies. This report includes key insights and commercial outlooks for the global electrically conductive adhesive market. The report considers electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs), including isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs), anisotropic conductive pastes (ACPs) and anisotropic conductive films (ACFs). 10-year ECA market forecasts are given for each application area.




IDTechEx最新发布的报告《2024-2034年5G和6G封装天线(AiP):技术、趋势、市场》对5G和6G毫米波的AiP技术进行了详尽深入的研究。该报告重点关注各类基板和封装方法。此外还探讨了100 GHz以上的天线集成应用,并通过多项案例研究展示如何解决行业挑战。基于IDTechEx的专业知识,该报告为未来几代无线技术的天线封装发展前景提供了宝贵的见解。

二氧化碳利用 2024-2044:技术、市场预测和参与者 

本报告提供了废弃二氧化碳 (CO₂) 利用的市场概况,包括石油采收率提高、建筑材料、燃料(合成燃料和电能转气)、聚合物(多元醇、聚碳酸酯、聚烯烃)、化学品(醇、烯烃、芳烃、合成气),以及生物产量提高(作物温室、藻类和发酵)。本报告探讨了全球捕获二氧化碳利用的技术、环境和经济方面,明确了这一新兴行业增长的主要挑战和机遇。其中包括 30 多家企业的概况,涵盖二氧化碳利用量、CO₂U 产品产出量、产出收益的预测,收益分为 11 种 CO₂U 产品 5 大类,另外还有调查的 100 多家企业。

量子通信市场 2024 - 2034:技术、趋势、参与者、预测 

本报告提供有关量子通信技术的重要市场情报。包括对新兴的量子计算到数据安全的概述,以及量子随机数生成器 (QRNG) 和量子密钥分发 (QKD) 提供的解决方案。还涵盖了全球的量子通信市场趋势,包括与后量子密码学 (PQC) 的比较。这项综合研究包含超过 25 家公司的概况,以及 2024-2034 年的市场预测。预计量子通信市场将大幅增长,年均复合增长率为 28%。

氧化还原液流电池市场 2024-2034 

与锂离子电池相比,氧化还原液流电池 (RFB) 能以更低的平均化储能成本储存更长的时间。预计对长时间储能技术的需求将增加,以推动增加可变可再生能源渗透。这为整个价值链的参与者带来了机会,包括材料供应商、RFB 开发方和公用事业公司。这份 IDTechEx 报告提供了对 RFB 技术、参与者、项目、材料、应用和经济的预测和分析。

柔性和印刷电子材料 2023 - 2033:预测、技术、市场 

《印刷/柔性电子材料 2023-2033:技术、市场与预测》探索并评估该新兴电子策略的趋势和创新。通过总结 IDTechEx 广泛的印刷/柔性电子材料报告组合,并凭借多年来对该发展中行业的关注,此报告概述了印刷/柔性电子材料在 5 个领域的创新、机遇和趋势:汽车、消费品、能源、医疗保健/健康和基础设施/建筑/工业。该分析包括对 50 种不同应用的详细预测。 此外,该报告还概述了 6 种不同制造模式(包括模内电子组件和柔性混合电子元件)、5 种材料类型(包括导电油墨和组件附着材料)和 4 种组件类型(包括柔性集成电路)的发展。还提供了展现技术发展方向和成功商业化的多个示例,以及对技术和商业准备情况的评估。另外还有制造方法和导电油墨的额外预测。

固态和聚合物电池 2023-2033:技术、预测、参与者 

此报告介绍了固态电池技术、材料、市场、供应链和市场参与者。报告对现有固态电池技术进行了评估和基准化,介绍了全球大多数市场参与者,并分析了该领域的主要参与者,针对容量和市场价值预测了 2023 年到 2033 年 3 个关键技术类别的 10 个应用领域。报告还分析了固态电池背后的大肆宣传和希望,提供了深入的技术和商业见解。

模内电子组件 2023-2033 

《模内电子组件 2023-2033》分析了与这种新兴制造方法相关的技术和市场机会。本报告参考了 20 多家公司的概况,其中大部分基于访谈,评估了与 IME 相关的(如功能性薄膜粘结)技术流程、材料要求、应用领域和竞争方法。报告包含技术和应用领域的 10 年市场预测,以收入和 IME 面板面积表示。对于最大的汽车内饰目标市场,这些人机界面 (HMI) 预测分为机械和四种不同类型的电容开关。

制造印刷电子产品 2023 - 2033 

“制造印刷电子产品 2023 - 2033”探讨印刷电子设备市场的发展、过渡和技术创新。我们根据与 30 多家公司的采访和互动,评估适用于印刷电子产品的 20 种模拟/数字印刷和组件连接技术的属性、准备度、使用实例和市场需求,包括传统丝网印刷,以及激光诱导前向转移和光子焊接。

6G 市场 2023-2043:技术、趋势、预测、参与者 

IDTechEx 多年来一直在研究通信技术,我们刚刚发布了最新版本的 6G 市场研究报告“6G 市场 2023-2043:技术、趋势、预测、参与者”。此报告以我们的专业知识为基础,涵盖最新的 6G 技术发展趋势、关键应用、参与者活动和市场展望。本报告的重点方面包括太赫兹技术趋势、太赫兹通信半导体、太赫兹相控阵天线模块、6G 无线电分析、低损耗材料、6G 封装趋势、可重构智能表面 (RIS)、超材料、非地面网络、集成传感和通信、6G 市场以及未来展望。

碳捕获、利用和储存 (CCUS) 市场 2023-2043 

本报告阐明了碳捕获、利用和储存 (CCUS) 的市场概况,探讨了行业的进步、商业模式以及环境和监管方面,强调了增长的挑战和机遇。报告包含 CCUS 市场 12 个细分类别的 20 年市场预测、回溯至 1972 年的 CCUS 项目的历史数据、37 份基于访谈的公司概况以及技术基准,旨在清晰描绘 CCUS 的前景。

可持续电子制造 2023-2033 

报告评估了电子制造的可持续方法。它评估了印刷电路板和集成电路内的可持续创新如何推动电子新时代的发展。报告包含精细的市场预测,涵盖不同的材料和制造工艺,并确保它们能以可扩展且具有成本效益的方式改善环境。IDTechEx 预计,在十年内,20% 的印刷电路板将可使用更加可持续的方法制造。

塑料化学回收和分解 2023-2033 

The chemical recycling of plastics attracts both notable critics and supporters; this is not the silver bullet to the sustainability issue facing all stakeholders in the plastic value chain but equally it will play a not insignificant role in the pursuit of a circular economy. This market report provides an independent assessment on the field, including pyrolysis, depolymerisation, gasification and dissolution processes. 10-year market forecasts provide a crucial unbiased outlook.

聚合物增材制造 2023-2033:技术和市场展望 

Though best known for low-volume, low-cost part production, polymer 3D printing is expanding beyond prototyping and one-offs to penetrate higher value applications, reaching $21 billion in market size by 2033. This is supported by innovation in polymer printing technologies that expand access to a better-performing polymer materials portfolio. Players interested and active in polymer 3D printing would benefit from IDTechEx's technology and market analysis to stay ahead of the competition.

二氧化碳清除 (CDR) 市场 2023-2040:技术、参与者和预测 

This IDTechEx report provides a market overview of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions, covering engineered and nature-based negative emissions technologies (NETs) that draws CO₂ from the atmosphere. The report explores the technological advancements, business models, and environmental aspects of the nascent CDR industry worldwide, identifying the challenges and opportunities for growth. It includes market forecasts, company profiles, and various assessments to provide a clear picture of the CDR landscape.

薄膜和柔性光伏 2023-2033 

The future of solar technology extends far beyond silicon, with numerous alternative materials that belong to a certain class called 'thin film'. These can deliver several unique advantages such as higher efficiency indoor energy harvesting, simpler manufacturing, and potentially lower costs than conventional silicon PV. A particularly exciting opportunity is their role in powering Internet of Things devices - a rapidly growing market following the increasing smartification of home and retail electronics.

生物塑料 2023-2033:技术、市场、参与者和预测 

Bioplastics manufacturers are scaling production rapidly and the industry is expected to grow by 10.1% CAGR in the next ten years. Manufacturers are driven by brand-owner pull to meet decarbonization commitments, consumer demand for sustainability, and single-use fossil-based plastic ban laws. In this report, IDTechEx explores the drivers of the bioplastic market's growth, analyses key and emerging technologies, examines end-of-life options, discusses applications, and forecasts the opportunities and growth of the market.

3D 打印材料市场 2022-2032 

Materials present the strongest revenue opportunity within additive manufacturing, but understanding the variety of polymer, metal, and ceramic materials within 3D printing is critical to capitalizing on this opportunity. This report examines the status of established 3D printing materials, presents technical comparison studies, analyzes trends, and provides detailed market forecasts for additive manufacturing materials. For companies involved in 3D printing materials, this report presents key insights and essential knowledge.

3D 电子设备/增材电子设备 2022-2032 

This IDTechEx report assesses the competing technologies that will enable PCBs to be replaced with integrated electronics, saving space, weight and reducing manufacturing complexity. It covers electronic functionality to 3D surfaces, in-mold electronics (IME), and fully 3D printed electronics. Also included are market forecasts, company profiles, readiness level assessments, case studies, and identification of technological challenges/opportunities, thus providing a clear picture of the emerging 3D / additive electronics landscape.

金属增材制造 2022-2032:技术和市场展望 

Metal additive manufacturing offers compelling value-add for high revenue generating verticals and applications, but understanding its potential is key to exploiting its benefits. This report examines the status of established and emerging metal 3D printing technologies, presents technical comparison studies, analyzes metal materials, and provides detailed market forecasts for metal 3D printing. For companies in and outside metal additive manufacturing, this report presents key insights and essential knowledge.

5G 热管理 2022-2032 

5G deployment is in full swing with continued deployment of infrastructure and 5G compatible devices. However, there are still many challenges to address with many material level challenges around thermal management. This report considers the evolution of 5G antenna design and components to analyse trends in semiconductor technology, the associated die attach materials, power supplies and thermal interface materials. Current and emerging technologies are described along with forecasts across these categories through to 2032.

3D 打印硬件 2022-2032:技术和市场展望 

IDTechEx's 3D Printing Hardware: 2022-2032 report is designed to explain and analyze the growth of 3D printing hardware technologies and sales; it is made to be useful for any company in the 3D printing supply chain: materials makers, printer manufacturers, service providers, end-users, and more. This report breaks down the market into 17 technology segments to create 17 COVID-19 adjusted forecast lines for each individual segment. The forecasts provide a ten-year outlook for 3D printer installation base, new installations, replacement unit sales, and revenue from 3D printer sales, all broken down into 17 forecast lines.

3D 打印陶瓷 2022-2032:技术和市场展望 

Ceramic 3D printing presently exists as a niche of the overall 3D printing industry, but recently more companies - from start-ups to ceramics materials suppliers - have joined the field. This report will examine the status of ceramic 3D printing technologies and materials, identify major players, highlight interesting applications, and provide market forecasts for ceramic 3D printing. For any company looking to enter this small but growing specialty, this report is essential.

3D 打印复合材料 2021-2031:技术和市场分析 

3D printing of composite materials is reaching a commercial tipping point. 3D printing of polymer materials can have mechanical limitations that benefit from fiber reinforcement (or other functionalities), and composite manufacturing is known to be costly and challenging that can benefit from the moldless, rapid prototyping and automated approach that additive manufacturing enables. IDTechEx forecast that the market will rapidly rise to reach $2bn by 2031. This market report provides a comprehensive view for 3D printing market for composite materials, including granular 10-year forecasts, material and printer benchmarking studies and interview-based company profiles.

5G 小基站 2021-2031:技术、市场、预测 

5G, with its ultra-low latency and high data throughput, is paving the way for a fully digitalized and connected world. However, the fact that 5G uses high frequencies brings the challenge of short signal propagation. Consequently, deploying many small cells to create an ultra-dense network becomes essential. IDTechEx has been studying 5G-related topics for many years and this report "5G small cells 2021-2031: Technologies, Markets, Forecasts" is built on our expertise, covering the main technologies, players, and markets for the 5G small cell industry. Moreover, IDTechEx also provides a series of detailed case studies on selected high potential verticals where 5G small cells can be applied to.

汽车应用的印刷柔性电子组件 2021-2031:技术和市场 

Extensive opportunities for printed and flexible electronics are being created by the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles - these technologies include EV powertrains, interior sensors and displays, and even exterior heating and lighting. This report outlines the current status and opportunities for printed/flexible electronics across 11 application areas, along with 10-year market forecasts by revenue and volume, multiple case studies and assessments of commercial and technological readiness.

印刷/柔性电子材料 2021-2031:技术、应用、市场预测 

Printed/flexible electronics, already seen in foldable smart phones, are forecast to be widely adopted in applications ranging from medical devices to smart packaging and from e-textiles to consumer products. This technological transition provides extensive opportunities for innovative materials, including amongst others novel OLED emitters, particle-free conductive inks and conductive adhesives. This IDTechEx report includes market forecasts, detailed company profiles based on interviews, case studies, and technological roadmaps spanning the full range of materials. Our comprehensive overview and analysis should enable readers to understand and take advantage of the opportunities presented by this transition to printed/flexible electronics.

医学诊断人工智能 2020-2030:图像识别、参与者、临床应用、预测 

This report explores the field of image recognition artificial intelligence (AI) for disease detection by breaking down its five main clinical applications. It describes emerging technologies, highlights key players and analyses market landscape for each sector. Trends, opportunities, threats and challenges (both technical and commercial) are discussed at length, thereby providing detailed insights into the current and future market for this technology.

柔性、印刷和薄膜电池 2020-2030:技术、市场和参与者 

IDTechEx has tracked the technology, player and market development of flexible, thin film and printed batteries since 2014. This report provides detailed technological analysis, market status introduction, market assessment, opportunity and barrier discussion, player activity tracking, and gives 10-year market forecast by technology and application.

可伸缩及适形电子器件 2019-2029 

此报告为您提供了解可伸缩电子器件所需的一切。它针对这个多元化的新兴行业提供最全面最独到的见解,探讨了现有和/或正在开发的各种不同的可伸缩材料/组件,引用了 60 多种集成可伸缩电子器件的产品类型,涵盖 100 多家公司和 25 个研究机构的进展(包括针对 62 家公司的第一手初步研究),另外,还提供了按 14 个以上的材料/组件领域细分的十年市场预测。



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