세라믹 3D 프린팅 시장은 2032년까지 4억 달러에 달하는 자체 틈새 시장으로 성장할 것이다

3D 프린팅 세라믹 (2022-2032년): 기술 및 시장 전망

세분화된 시장 예측, 인터뷰 기반 회사 프로필, 기술 및 재료 벤치마킹 연구, 사례 연구 및 시장 전망

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세라믹 3D 프린팅은 현재 전체 3D 프린팅 산업의 틈새 시장으로 존재하지만, 최근에는 신생 기업에서 세라믹 재료 공급업체에 이르기까지 더 많은 회사들이 이 분야에 합류했다. 이 보고서는 세라믹 3D 프린팅 기술 및 재료의 상태를 조사하고, 주요 기업을 식별하고, 흥미로운 응용분야를 강조하며, 세라믹 3D 프린팅에 대한 시장 예측을 제공한다. 이 보고서는 작지만 성장하는 이 전문 분야에 진출하려는 모든 회사에게 필수적이다.
Ceramic 3D printing is an emerging segment within the 3D printing industry that began its commercial journey in the past 10 years. Compared to polymer and metal 3D printing, ceramic 3D printing is young. However, increasing entrants into the field in the past few years, from major ceramics companies to small 3D printing start-ups, illustrate that interest in ceramic additive manufacturing is picking up.
In this technical report from IDTechEx, ceramic 3D printing is comprehensively analysed to provide the current status of and outlook for the industry. Based on numerous primary interviews and IDTechEx's historical data on additive manufacturing, the report provides extensive technology benchmarking, material summaries, major player overviews, and target applications for ceramic 3D printing.
Benchmarking ceramic printer technologies and materials
In the 3D printing industry, it is not uncommon for the important details about new technologies to become overshadowed by hype and media attention. For ceramic 3D printing, this means headlines about how a new ceramic printer will "change the 3D printing industry" or "revolutionize" a given field like medicine. In this report, IDTechEx cuts through the marketing language to get to the heart of the technologies dominating the ceramic additive manufacturing market. Along with detailed overviews of each individual printing process, the major technologies are compared by several key parameters: build volume, build speed, material compatibility, resolution, and more. By providing impartial benchmarking of these technologies, IDTechEx will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each process for their end-users.
Source IDTechEx
The ceramics available for 3D printing are key to expanding the potential applications and markets that ceramic 3D printing could establish itself in. While less expensive oxide ceramics (like zirconia and alumina) are currently the most popular ceramic 3D printing materials, non-oxide ceramics (like silicon carbide and silicon nitride) for high-performance and high-value applications are growing in popularity. In this report, the ceramics available for 3D printing are identified with their manufacturers and key materials properties after printing being comprehensively analysed. These materials are then benchmarked by their mechanical, thermal, and dielectric properties to compare their performance against each other and against ceramics manufactured traditionally. In addition, perspectives on new materials trends in ceramic 3D printing - from multi-material/hybrid 3D printing to ceramic matrix composite printing - are presented to give readers a future outlook on the ceramics for the 3D printing market.
Key applications: where ceramic 3D printing is gaining market traction
Ceramic 3D printing has been used primarily for research & development and prototypes, but it is seeing increasing interest from sectors looking for ceramic tooling and small-batch parts. This includes high-value sectors such as investment casting for aerospace & defence, chemical engineering, and dentistry. While the latter sector has great potential there is no commercial usage as of yet. The former sectors are seeing increasing commercial uptake; they represent ceramic additive manufacturing's best opportunities for high-value industry penetration. That said, there is still room for growth in R&D-related sales, as there is a large number of international research institutes working on progressing ceramic 3D printing in interesting applications like energy storage, medical devices, and carbon capture.
Market forecasts for ceramic 3D printing
Using extensive primary and secondary research, IDTechEx has constructed a detailed 10-year market forecast for the ceramic 3D printing industry. These forecasts break the industry down by install base, technology type, materials usage, and materials composition. This analysis reveals the growth of ceramic 3D printing into its own niche within the broader 3D printing industry worth $400 million by 2032.
Supplementing the forecasts are full profile interviews of the major players in ceramic 3D printing, which range from dedicated ceramic 3D printing companies to metal/polymer 3D printer manufacturers to ceramic material suppliers. These profiles give insight into the companies leading the industry, their position amongst their competitors, and the opportunities and challenges they face in the future.
Key questions that are answered in this report
  • What are the current and emerging printer technology types?
  • How do metrics such as price, build speed, build volume, and precision vary by printer type?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different 3D printing technologies?
  • Which printers support different material classes?
  • What is the current installed base of 3D printers?
  • What are the market shares of those active in the market?
  • What are the key drivers and restraints of market growth?
  • Who are the main players?
  • How will sales of different printer types evolve from 2022 to 2032?
  • What are the main application areas and target sectors for ceramic 3D printing?
Report Metrics Details
Historic Data 2017 - 2021
Forecast Period 2022-2032
Forecast Units Revenue (millions USD), Printers (units), Materials (metric tonnes)
Segments Covered Technology Type, Materials Composition, Materials Feedstock Type, Revenue Source
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Table of Contents
1.1.What is Ceramic 3D Printing?
1.2.Traditional Ceramic Shaping Processes
1.3.Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Ceramic Forming Techniques
1.4.Rationale for Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
1.5.History of Ceramic 3D Printing Companies
1.6.3D Printing Ceramics Technology Overview
1.7.Evaluation of Ceramic 3D Printing Technologies
1.8.Classification: By Chemistry
1.9.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials on the Market
1.10.Target Sectors for 3D-Printed Ceramics
1.11.Overview of Medical Applications of 3D-Printed Bioceramics
1.12.3D-Printed Zirconia for Dental Applications
1.13.Ceramic 3D Printing for Investment Casting
1.14.Chemical Engineering Applications
1.15.Overview of Other Applications for 3D Printing Ceramics
1.16.Status and Market Potential for Different Sectors
1.17.3D Printing Ceramics Market Forecast
1.18.Market Forecast by Technology
1.19.Ceramic 3D Printer Install Base by Year
1.20.Materials Usage Forecast by Composition
1.22.Company Profiles
2.1.Glossary: Common Acronyms For Reference
2.2.Traditional Ceramic Shaping Processes
2.3.Dry Pressing
2.4.Hot Pressing
2.5.Hot Isostatic Pressing
2.6.Slip Casting
2.8.Injection Molding
2.9.Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Ceramic Forming Techniques
2.10.What is Ceramic 3D Printing?
2.11.Rationale for Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
2.12.The Seven Different Types of 3D Printing Processes
2.13.Material-Process Relationships
2.14.Why Adopt 3D Printing?
2.15.Drivers and Restraints of Growth for 3D Printing
2.16.Total 3D Printing Market Forecast
2.17.Impact of COVID-19 on Stock Price
2.18.History of Ceramic 3D Printing Companies
2.19.Patents Granted for Ceramic 3D Printing
3.1.3D Printing Ceramics Technology Overview
3.2.Extrusion: Paste
3.3.Extrusion: Thermoplastic
3.4.Extrusion: Pellet
3.5.Vat Photopolymerisation: Stereolithography (SLA)
3.6.Vat photopolymerisation: Digital Light Processing (DLP)
3.7.Material Jetting: Nanoparticle Jetting (NPJ)
3.8.Binder Jetting
3.9.Why are there no commercial SLS ceramic printers?
3.10.Why are there no commercial SLM ceramic printers?
4.1.Largest Build Volumes by Printer Manufacturer
4.2.Minimum Z Resolution by Printer Manufacturer
4.3.Printer Benchmarking: Z Resolution vs Build Volume
4.4.Minimum XY Resolution by Printer Manufacturer
4.5.Build Speed by Technology Type
4.6.Multi-Material Ceramic Printers
4.7.Printer Benchmarking: Build Volume vs Price
4.8.Printer Benchmarking: Z Resolution vs Price
4.9.Evaluation of Ceramic 3D Printing Technologies
5.1.Scope of Ceramic 3D Printing Materials Coverage
5.2.Classification: By Feedstock Type
5.3.Classification: By Application
5.4.Classification: By Chemistry
5.5.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials on the Market
5.6.Mechanical Properties of 3DP Ceramic Materials
5.7.Thermal Properties of 3DP Ceramic Materials
5.8.Average Densities of 3DP Ceramic Materials
5.9.Flexural Strength vs Density for 3DP Ceramic Materials
5.10.Alumina Comparison - AM vs non-AM
5.11.Zirconia Comparison - AM vs non-AM
5.12.Silicon Carbide and Nitride Properties Comparison - AM vs non-AM
5.13.Ceramic-Matrix Composites (CMCs)
5.14.Ceramics as Reinforcements in 3D Printing
5.15.Manufacturers of Ceramic Materials for 3D Printing
6.1.Alumina (Al2O3)
6.2.Zirconia (ZrO2)
6.3.Silica (SiO2)
6.4.Silicon Nitride (Si3N4 & β-SiAlON)
6.5.Silicon Carbide (SiC)
6.6.Aluminum Nitride (AlN)
6.8.Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2)
6.9.Tricalcium Phosphate (β-Ca3(PO4)2)
6.10.Cordierite (Mg2Al4Si5O18)
7.1.Biomaterials and Bioceramics Definitions
7.2.Clinical Uses of Bioceramics (non-AM)
7.3.Properties of Bioceramics vs Other Biomaterials
7.4.Advantages and Disadvantages of Bioceramics
7.6.Inert Bioceramics
7.8.Porous Hydroxyapatite
7.9.Tricalcium Phosphate
7.10.Overview of Medical Applications of 3D-Printed Bioceramics
8.1.What is Tissue Engineering?
8.2.Autologous Bone Grafting
8.3.Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
8.4.Bioceramics for Bone Defect Repair
8.5.3D Printing of Bioceramic Scaffolds
8.6.Biological Benefits of 3D Printing Bioceramic Scaffolds for Bone Defects
8.7.Efficacy of 3D Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds
8.8.Disadvantages of 3D Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds
8.9.Outlook of 3D Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds
9.1.Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
9.2.Autologous Bone and Tissue Grafting for CMF Surgery
9.3.3D Printing Bioceramic CMF Implants
9.4.Craniofacial Implants
9.5.Clinical Study of 3DP Bioceramic Craniofacial Implants
9.6.Miniplates and Screws for Maxillary Stabilization
9.7.Jawbone Implants
9.8.3DP Bioceramic Implants Case Study: Cerhum
9.9.Outlook of 3D-Printed Bioceramic CMF Implants
10.1.3D-Printed Ceramic Medical Instruments and Tools
10.2.3D-Printed Ceramic Medical Devices
10.3.3D-Printed Ceramic Spinal Implants
10.4.Knee Implant Made Using 3D-Printed Ceramics
11.1.Overview of Medical Applications of 3D-Printed Bioceramics
11.2.Adoption status of 3D-printed ceramic medical implants and devices
11.3.Advantages and Disadvantages of 3D-Printed Bioceramics for Medical Applications
11.4.Regulatory Overview for 3D-Printed Medical Devices
11.5.FDA Medical Device Timelines
12.1.Digital Dentistry and 3D Printing
12.2.Motivation for Adoption
12.3.The Digital Dentistry Workflow
12.4.3D Printing Processes & Materials for Dental Applications
12.5.Ceramics for Dental Applications
12.6.Zirconia Shaping for Dental Applications
12.7.3D-Printed Zirconia for Dental Applications
12.8.3D-Printed Zirconia for Dental Applications
12.9.Partnerships for 3D-Printed Ceramics for Dentistry
12.10.Dental Tools Case Study: Dentsply Sirona
13.1.Investment Casting
13.2.Advantages and Disadvantages of Investment Casting
13.3.Ceramic 3D Printing for Investment Casting
13.4.Investment Casting Case Study: Aristo-Cast
13.5.Industries Using Investment Casting
13.6.Types of Investment Casting for Turbine Blades
13.7.Ceramics for Investment Casting of Turbine Blades
13.8.3D Printing Ceramic Cores for Turbine Blade Casting
13.9.3D Printing Ceramic Cores for Turbine Blade Casting
13.10.DDM Systems
13.11.Investment Casting Case Studies: DDM Systems
14.1.Chemical Engineering Applications
14.2.Catalyst Supports Case Study: Johnson-Matthey
14.3.Radiant Tube Inserts Case Study: Saint-Gobain
14.4.Need for Carbon Capture
14.5.Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)
14.6.Methods of CO2 Separation
14.7.Sorbent-Based CO2 Separation
14.8.3D-Printed Sorbents for Carbon Capture
14.9.Chemical Analysis Equipment
14.10.Atomic Vapor Deposition Equipment
14.11.Chemical Engineering Components
14.12.SGL Carbon
14.13.Chemical Engineering Applications
15.1.Overview of Other Applications for 3D Printing Ceramics
15.2.Electronics: Piezoelectric Devices
15.3.Electronics: Embedded Electronics
15.4.Energy Storage: Solid State Batteries
15.5.Energy Storage: Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells
15.6.Optics: Deformable Mirrors
15.7.Optics: Optical Substrates
15.8.Space Applications: Antennas
15.9.5G Communications: Antennas
15.11.Thermal Management Devices Case Study: Kyocera
16.1.Ceramic 3D Printing for Pottery
16.2.Ceramic 3D Printing for Jewelry
16.3.Emerging Objects
17.1.Status and Market Potential for Different Sectors
17.2.Market Share by Installed Ceramic 3D Printers
17.3.Companies Using Ceramic 3D Printers
17.4.Trend to Watch: Multi-Material/Hybrid Printers
17.5.Multi-Material Jetting (MMJ)
17.6.Upcoming Multi-Material Printers
18.1.3D Printing Ceramics Market Forecast
18.2.3D Printing Ceramics Market Forecast by Technology
18.3.Ceramic 3D Printer Sales by Year
18.4.Ceramic 3D Printer Install Base by Year
18.5.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials Usage Forecast
18.6.3D Printing Ceramics Usage Forecast by Composition
18.7.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials Revenue Forecast
18.8.Ceramic 3D Printing Forecast by Revenue Source
19.1.23 Company Profiles from IDTechEx Portal (download links)
20.1.3D Printing Ceramics Market Forecast
20.2.3D Printing Ceramics Market Forecast by Technology
20.3.Ceramic 3D Printer Sales by Year
20.4.Ceramic 3D Printer Install Base by Year
20.5.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials Usage Forecast
20.6.3D Printing Ceramics Usage Forecast by Composition
20.7.Ceramic 3D Printing Materials Revenue Forecast
20.8.Ceramic 3D Printing Forecast by Revenue Source

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3D 프린팅 세라믹 (2022-2032년): 기술 및 시장 전망

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보고서 통계

슬라이드 233
전망 2032
ISBN 9781913899677

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